From Local CSV File

You can import a local CSV file using the `psql \COPY` command to Hydra

Grab the psql command from the Hydra dashboard, and get into the psql console. To import a CSV file using the \COPY command in psql, you first need to create a table with columns that match the order and data types of the data in the CSV file. Then you can use the \COPY command to import the data from the CSV file into the table.

Considered a CSV file with path path/to/file.csv in your system:


Here's an example:

-- Create a table with the same columns and data types as the CSV file

CREATE TABLE my_table (
    name text,
    email text,

-- Import the data from the CSV file into the table
\COPY my_table FROM 'path/to/file.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;

Replace the names and data types of the columns to match your actual CSV file, and replace path/to/file.csv with the actual path to the CSV file on your system. The DELIMITER option specifies the character that separates the values in the CSV file (in this case, a comma), and the CSV and HEADER options tell psql to expect the file to be in CSV format and that the first row of the file contains column names, respectively. It's a good idea to check the data after importing it to make sure it was imported correctly. You can do this by running a SELECT query on the table to view the data.

For more information, you can refer to the \COPY command documentation in the psql reference guide:

\COPY { table_name | ( query ) }
    [ ( column [, ...] ) ]
    FROM { 'filename' | STDIN }
    [ [ WITH ] ( option [, ...] ) ]

To learn more about the \COPY command and the options you can use with it, you can refer to the psql reference guide or type \? COPY in psql to view the help for this command.

Last updated

Revision created on 12/13/2022