Hydra is a fully managed Postgres service in the cloud with elastic compute and on-disk storage. Hydra compute and on-disk storage can be adjusted independently.


Hydra database sizes are based on Compute Units. A single Compute Unit (CU) is a Hydra Small, with 2 Performance CPU & 8GB RAM. The plan sizes double with each upgrade, where a Hydra Medium is 2 Compute Units, with double the resources of a Hydra Small with 4 Performance CPU & 16GB RAM total.

  1. Navigate to “Settings” tab in the left sidebar.

  2. Select the RAM & CPU plan size (S, M, L, XL)

  3. Save your selection

Bottomless Storage

Data stored in the analytics schema is bottomless and grows automatically based on the data you store. No steps are required for scaling to petabyte scale. Since the analytics schema is a columnstore, data inserted will be compressed. Data compression can range from 5X-15X, which can greatly optimize storage footprint and costs.

On-disk Storage

Hydra has on-disk storage up to 500 GB. Please contact support to expand your storage limit beyond 500 GB. We recommend keeping the on-disk size of your Postgres database small to maintain a high level of performance with the majority of the data being stored on Hydra’s bottomless analytical storage. You can view the on-disk storage size of any existing project by navigating to the Dashboard section of your Hydra project.

To modify your storage settings:

  1. Navigate to “Settings” tab in the left sidebar.

  2. Use Slider to select # of GB

  3. Save your selection