Deploy the server

Create analytics schema and table

Insert sample data

Run example queries

1. Deploy the server

Hydra is available as open source and a fully managed cloud database. To spin up a cloud database, navigate to to join our cloud waitlist. For a detailed walkthrough, navigate to the Setting up Hydra Cloud guide.

2. Create analytics schema and table

We will connect to Hydra using psql, the terminal-based front-end to Postgres, but you can use any Postgres client you’d prefer and achieve the same result. We will start by creating our analytics schema with a table “analytics.rides” which we will populate with sample data from the New York Taxi data in step 3.

CREATE SCHEMA analytics;
CREATE TABLE analytics.rides
	vendor_id text,
	pickup_datetime timestamp,
	dropoff_datetime timestamp,
	passenger_count int,
	trip_distance float,
	pickup_longitude float,
	pickup_latitude float,
	rate_code text,
	store_and_fwd_flag text,
	dropoff_longitude float,
	dropoff_latitude float,
	fare_amount float,
	surcharge float,
	mta_tax float,
	tip_amount float,
	tolls_amount float,
	total_amount float
USING duckdb;

3. Insert sample data

Let’s insert the New York Taxi data into our rides table in the analytics schema. Below we’ve written example queries you can copy / paste.

INSERT INTO analytics.rides
	vendor_id text,
	pickup_datetime timestamp,
	dropoff_datetime timestamp,
	passenger_count int,
	trip_distance float,
	pickup_longitude float,
	pickup_latitude float,
	rate_code text,
	store_and_fwd_flag text,
	dropoff_longitude float,
	dropoff_latitude float,
	fare_amount float,
	surcharge float,
	mta_tax float,
	tip_amount float,
	tolls_amount float,
	total_amount float

4. Run example queries

SELECT count(*) FROM analytics.rides;
SELECT * FROM analytics.rides LIMIT 10;
   count(*) AS count,
   sum(fare_amount) AS revenue
FROM analytics.rides
GROUP BY vendor_id

Run each statement by clicking the green triangle next to each query in the SQL editor.

Query 0: SELECT COUNT(*) … counts the number of rows in the analytics.rides table. Query 1: SELECT * FROM … retrieves up to 10 rows of data from the analytics.rides table. Query 2: SELECT vendor_id … is list of the top 10 vendors, displaying the number of rides and total revenue for each, ordered by the greatest number of rides first.

5. Insert existing data

Now let’s test Hydra with your own data.

It’s a good idea to drop the “analytics.rides” sample data that was inserted earlier before loading your own files from S3, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud Storage, or local files.

To delete the sample data:

DROP TABLE analytics.rides;

Note: Switch the codebox tabs for steps on S3, Postgres, and/or local data.

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