Migrating data to Hydra will result in a substantial improvement in performance. To learn more, navigate to our storage and serverless analytics documentation pages. Follow the steps below to connect object storage buckets with Hydra for data migration.

  1. Connect a bucket
 -- Session Token is optional
 INSERT INTO duckdb.secrets
 (type, key_id, secret, session_token, region)
 VALUES ('S3', 'access_key_id', 'secret_access_key', 'session_token', 'us-east-1');

The following example will create a table in the analytics schema from a file in S3.

CREATE TABLE analytics.your_table_name 
USING duckdb
FROM read_parquet('s3://your_bucket_name/your_file_name.parquet') AS
   -- specify columns and types here, e.g.:
   -- id int,
   -- name text, ...