
Generate access token

1. pip install hydra-cli

python package (pypi)

pip install hydra-cli

* You must have Docker and Python3 installed.

Run hydra for setup:


2. Access token

The hydra command will ask for an access token and provides the URL ( to generate your token. Copy the token and paste it into the CLI to unlock 5 free hours of serverless analytics. To purchase additional serverless compute please contact support or deploy a hosted hydra database which has unlimited serverless processing.


You can run hydra help for a list of commands, and hydra COMMAND --help to get help about any command.

$ hydra setup
 - asks for token; optional port, username, password
$ hydra start
 - starts service
$ hydra connect
 - connects to service via psql
$ hydra connect --start
 - automatically starts and stops the service around a psql session
$ hydra stop
 - stops service
$ hydra config
 - prints stored config info
$ hydra teardown
 - prompts to delete configuration files
 - prompts to delete docker volume
$ hydra help

$ hydra --help
 - prints reference top-level information for the CLI
$ hydra COMMAND --help
 - prints helpful information about the command


Configuration is persistent. Once you specify your settings, it will remember what port you used. If would like to change the settings, you can run hydra setup again. You can also change the port number at any time with hydra start.

Configuration files

By default, configuration is saved to hydra-cli in your platform’s user data directory:

  • Mac OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/hydra-cli

  • Linux: ~/.local/share/hydra-cli

You can specify a different configuration directory with -C/--config-dir, but you will need to pass this in with every execution.


  1. hydra stop removes the running container, if one remains.

  2. hydra teardown will confirm removal of the configuration files and the Docker volume, respectively.

  3. pip uninstall hydra-cli will remove the CLI itself.